Capital Gifts

As the programs we support continue to thrive and grow on Cape Eleuthera, we need to provide funding for building needs to expand their campuses and complete the master plan.  If we hope to broaden the impact of our message, we need to build more space for visitors and visiting educational programs.  Hallig House does not only help us accommodate the growing number of people coming to the campus for courses, camps, and conferences; it is also a regionally recognized showpiece for sustainable building.

The newest building on campus is the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD). CSD is a hub modeling and sharing its work by building and modeling sustainable living. We are committed to optimizing infrastructure by finding a balance between design and function;  the built spaces should be tools to further education and awareness while minimizing impact.

Our Common Future, 1987:

“Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
